Uses Of Computer Network part 2nd


Networks For People:- 


The Motivation given above for building for computer networks are all essentially economics and 

technological in nature. if sufficiently large and powerful mainframes were available at  acceptale

prices most company would simply choose to keep all there data on them and give employees 

terminals connected to them. in the 1970s and early 1980s, most companies operated this way.

 comfferd a huge price/performance advantage over mainframes..

      Starting in the 1990s, computer network began to start delivering service to private individuals

 at home. these service and the motivation for using  them are quite defferent then the "corporate 

efficiency" model described in the previous section below we will sketch three of the more exciting ones that are that starting to happen.

1-Acces to remote information 

2-Person to Person communication 

3-Interactive entertainment  
 Access to remote information will come in many forms. One area in which it is already happening

 is access to financial institution. Many people pay there bills, manage there bank accounts, and 

handle there investment electronically. Home shopping is also becoming popular, with the ability

to inspect the online cat-logs of thousands of companies some of these catlogs will soon provide the ability to get an instant video an any product by just clicking on the product`s name.

     Newspaper will go online and personalized. It Will be possible to tell the newspaper that you 

want everything about corrupt polticians big fires, scandals invobing celebrities, and epidemics, but 
no football, thank you at night while you sleep the newspaper will be downloaded to your 

computers disk or printed on your laser printer on a small scale this service already exists.the 

next step beyond newspaper (plus magazines and scientific journals) is the on-line digital library. 

depending on the coast, size, and weight of book-sized notebook computers, printed books may

 become obsolete. skeptics should take notes of the effect the printing press had on the medieval illuminated manuscipet. 

    Another application that falls in this category is access to information systems like the current

 world wide web, which contains information about the art business, cooking, government, health, 

history, hobbies, recreation, science, sports, travel, and too many other topics to even mention.

    All of the above applications involve interactions between a person and a remote database. the 

second board category of network use will be person-to-person interaction, basically the 21st 

century answer to the 19th century tele-phone. Electronic Mail or Email is already widely used by

millions of people and will soon routinely contain audio and video as well as text. smell in messages will take a bit longer a perfect.

   Real-time email will allow remote users to communicate with no delay, possibly seeing and

 hearing each other as well as. this technology makes it possible to have virtual meetings, called 

video conference, among far-flung people. it is sometimes said that transportation and 

communication are having a race, and which ever wins will make the other obsolete. virtual 

meetings could be used for remote school, getting medical opinions from distant specialists, and numerous other applications.

  Worlwide newsgroups, with discussions on every conceivable topic are already commonplace

 among a select group of people, and this will grow to including the population at large. these 

disussions, in which one person posts message and all the other subscribers to the newsgroups can
 read it, run the gamut from humorous to impassioned.

  Our third category is entertainment, which is a huge and growing industry. The killer applications

 here (the one that may drive all the rest) is video on demand. a decade or so hence, it may be

 possible to select any movie or televisions program ever made, in any country, and have it 

displayed on your screen instantly. New films may become interactive, where the users is 

occasionally prompted for the story direction (should macbeth murder Duncan or just bide his 

time) with alternative scenarios provided for all cases. live television may also become interactive, with the audience participting in quiz shows, choosing among contestant, and so on.

   On The Other Hand, May be the killer application will not be video on demand maybe it will be 

game playing. already we have multiperson real time simulaton games, like hide and seek in a 

virtual dungeon, and flight simulators with the players on one team trying to shoot down the 

players on the opposing team.I done With Goggles and three dimensional real time, Photogaphics-

quality moveing images, we have a kind of wordwide shared virtual reality.
  In Short, The ability to merge information, communication and entertainment will surely give rise 

to a massive new industry based on computer networking.




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